2025 Prices and Deadlines
Registration Deadlines and Late Registration • Rider
and Vounteer Registration • Long
Term Parking • Supported
Hotel Baggage Delivery Service
Service • Tent Rental • Chair
Rental• Mechanical Support Plan

All prices listed below begin at 12:00 am central time on the first date
listed and end at 11:59 pm on the last date listed. All extra services are
subject to availability after the regular registration deadline.
Registration Deadlines and Late Registration
The regular registration deadline will be at 11:59 pm CDT, Friday
July 4th, 2025, which is four weeks before the start of the tour.
After the regular registration deadline late fees will be assessed. The
late fee for riders is $150.00 for the full tour and $30.00 per day for a
partial day tour. The late fee for non-riders is $100.00 for the full tour
and $20.00 per day for a partial day tour.
- Click
Here for more information about registration deadlines
and late registration.
Regular rider registration
Pricing starts
Pricing ends
Full tour
Partial day tour
(each day)
Dec. 31st
Jan. 10th
Jan. 1st
Jan. 11th
Jan. 31st
Feb. 1st
Feb. 28th
Mar. 1st
Mar. 31st
Apr. 1st
July 4th
Discounted regular rider registration (for postponed 2020 participants
Pricing starts
Pricing ends
Full tour
Partial day tour
(each day)
Jan. 15th
Jan. 16th
Jan. 31st
Feb. 1st
Mar. 15th
Mar. 16th |
Mar. 31st |
$504.00 |
$100.00 |
Apr. 1st
July 4th
Late rider registration
Pricing starts
Pricing ends
Full tour
Partial day tour
(each day)
July 5th
July 25th
July 26th
Aug. 1st
Aug. 2nd (day
of event) |
and Volunteer Registration
All registrations on a volunteer basis require prior approval.
Regular non-rider and volunteer registration
Pricing starts
Pricing ends
Full tour
Partial day tour
(each day)
Jan. 31st
Feb. 1st
Mar. 31st
Apr. 1st
July 4th
Late non-rider and volunteer registration
Pricing starts
Pricing ends
Full tour
Partial day tour
(each day)
July 5th
July 25th
July 26th
Aug. 1st
Aug. 2nd (day
of event)
Term Parking - no charge
Hotel Baggage Delivery Service - no charge (included in registration)
Extra Services
The number of days you register
for extra services
must match the number of days you will attend
the tour.
Towel Service
Includes a fresh towel and washcloth each day of the tour
Pricing starts
Pricing ends
Price per day
July 25th
July 26th
Aug. 1st
Aug. 2nd (day
of event)
Tent Rental
Includes daily set-up and take down.
Pricing starts
Pricing ends
Standard tent
Price per day
Jumbo tent
Price per day
July 25th
July 26th
Aug. 1st
Aug. 2nd (day
of event)
Chair Rental
Pricing starts
Pricing ends
Price per day
July 25th
July 26th
Aug. 1st
Aug. 2nd (day
of event)
Support Plan
Pricing starts
Pricing ends
Full tour registration
Partial day tour
July 25th
$29.99 (2 day minimum)
$15.00 each additional day
July 26th
Aug. 1st
$48.00 (2 day minimum)
$24.00 each additional day
Aug. 2nd (day
of event)
$60.00 (2 day minimum)
$30.00 each additional day